Holly No 7 Birth Photography
Holly No 7 Birth Center is the leading birth center in Maine.
Sarah was overdue when she went into labor at 42 weeks naturally. She delivered her baby at a birthing center in the most natural way. She didn’t know if her baby was going to be a boy or girl until he arrived. When I got to the birthing center, I thought there would be a fair amount of time to relax before anything major began to change, but I was so wrong. As I arrived, it became clear to me that things had advanced quickly. I was so surprised with the advanced stage of labor that when I went to get my camera out, I spilled coffee all over myself in excitement.
She swiftly transitioned to the tub for a water birth. Elijah calmed Sarah as her body moved through the stages of birth and the pain.
At one point Sarah asked Elijah if he was okay, it was a really sweet moment.
Sarah spent about a half hour in the tub and the baby’s head was delivered! Unfortunately, the rest of the baby was not so easy to arrive. At this point the midwives told Sarah to stand up in the tub.
Still nothing, so they then picked her up and took her out of the tub, onto the floor next to it. She then was able to deliver the rest of baby on the floor. After a few tense moments, we all breath a sign of relief when we heard his first cries. The midwives and Elijah carried Sarah and baby as a team across the room onto the bed. Sarah finally met her baby boy and she experienced pure happiness as she felt his skin on hers.
They chose to delay cutting the cord for a full hour. Elijah created beautiful art with her placenta after by painting it on canvas!
When they weighed the baby, he clocked in at 9lb 6oz, just as Elijah had guessed earlier in the day. The baby was born on his late grandfathers’ birthday, 10-4. The baby did not have a name until he was 4 days old.
Welcome baby Finley William Keyes.