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A Long Labor Leads to a Beautiful Birth

  A Long Labor Leads to a Beautiful Birth This woman had been in labor for nearly two days. For more than 30 hours her waters had been broken, and she had not taken any pain medications. Despite the agonizing pain, she remained focused and determined to bring her baby into the world naturally. The … Continued

Northern Light Hospital Birth Photography – Bangor, Maine

This awesome birth was so sweet to witness. I have worked with this family before, so it was really beautiful to follow them through this next part of parenthood with a new little one. This woman was induced in the morning and spent all day laboring in many different positions. She had amazing support staff … Continued

Maine Home Birth

Sometimes your birth plan does not go as planned or how you envisioned it. For this family,it was a matter of a fast delivery where I was not able to make it in time and neither did her two midwives! Fast labor happens! And sometimes we don’t make it in time! But that’s okay because … Continued

Stillbirth is Still Birth

  Stillbirth is Still Birth These are the word written by mother, Erin. She shares the delicate story of saying hello and goodbye to her perfect baby boy Henry. We share this story in hopes to comfort and educate the world that Stillbirth is Still Birth. I had always known I wanted to have a … Continued

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Maine Photographer

Capturing the Moment for Brides, Mothers, Seniors, & Families

Passionate & Authentic

Maine Photographer

Capturing the Moment for Brides, Mothers, Seniors, & Families

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