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It’s with this entire family’s permission, I have been asked to share my part in their story. Amber has said that part of helping her heal right now is sharing and she wants her experience to be told.
On July 1, 2019 at roughly 07:45 Amber reached out to her friend and told her that her water had broken earlier in the day. She was 19 weeks 5 days, and her fluid was completely gone. She was given no other choice but to deliver. She was scared and heartbroken, and didn’t know what to do. She asked if her friend, Lina, could come and support them.

Amber asked for professional pictures of the entire process start to finish, no matter how gruesome or what they showed. That is when I was contacted late at night by Carly to photograph a still birth. I immediately packed up my cameras and hit the road into the night. I drove almost 2 hours to get to the hospital of which when I arrived, I was stopped and watched a life flight helicopter take off, and I assumed I did not make the birth in time and they were rushed elsewhere for some reason. When I arrived to the room, I learned I did not miss anything. The room was full of so much love and strength. Everyone was strong for everyone. Amber labored for another 20 minutes before she pushed her baby out . Monty cut the cord and Emily-Anne was placed on her mothers chest. Amber held her daughter for her entire life. Her tiny heart beating while against her mother’s chest. Sweet Emily only ever knew love her short time on this earth. She was surrounded by her family when she was born and when she passed.  Her father held her, he dressed her, he kissed her, and it was everything. To witness a man love with all his heart while it breaks all at the same time was that of a life shattering and forever life changing experience. Men should not be hidden when they show their emotions. And babies should not be nested.

Emily-Anne Olive Ross
07/01/2019 10:52pm-11:09pm
10.2oz 10in long


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